Reviewer Request & Media

Want to do a review? Looking to provide media coverage? Sign up here.
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Choose your game and wait for it to arrive

Review and post

Review the game and post to your channel

Please keep in mind that when we send a free copy of a game, we expect you to create a post or content that is substantial. Take a look at the FAQs below to know what we mean by this.

Reviewer and Content Creator Guidelines

What does it mean to create substantial content?  

This means that it should be more than a quick tweet or photo to your friends. It should be a review, overview, or featured content to your audience.  

Does anyone need to review my post?  

No. What you post is up to you—we will never try to influence your opinion or review. But we do expect you to follow through with some sort of content within a couple of months of receiving a game.  

How many review copies do you send?  

With new games, we will try to keep our review copies to around 50. We realize we’ll likely have more demand than we will have copies, but we’ll do our best to find the best fit for each game. 

Do you send review copies outside of new releases?  

We do, but those will still be done at certain times of the year and will be based on stock. This is a change for us—in the past we took review requests at any time of the year. By moving to this model where we do review copies in batches, it allows us to have a better idea of who has and hasn’t received a game.  

How soon do I need to do the review?  

A few weeks after receiving a game would be best, but we understand that it sometimes takes time. Please post within a couple of months. If you’re not able to do this, we ask that you hold off on requesting a game until you have more availability.