"Hundreds of thousands will pass through your canyon and they will need you." - Brigham Young
Zion National Park
You got Zion!
Location: Utah
Established: 1919
Yearly Visitors: 4.5 million
When to Visit
Most of the park visitors come during the busy summer months. To avoid crowds, plan to visit before school lets out in the spring or after school resumes in the fall. Fall is considered the ideal time to visit Zion.
Petite Kangaroo Rat
Mule Deer
Bighorn Sheep
Things to do
Backpacking, biking, bird watching, camping, canyoneering, climbing, hiking, horseback riding, river trips and much more are the many activities awaiting visitors to Zion.
Check out our board game!
Featuring all 61 parks, this is the perfect way to decide where to head to next!
Every card is equipped with a gorgeous photo of the park, as well as information about the park
Fun for the Family
The perfect way to introduce your family to the parks you love and the memories you hold dear.
Trekking the National Parks is a spirited family board game that lets players experience the U.S. National Parks in a fun and competitive way. Players compete for points by claiming Park Cards and collecting trail stones as they travel across the country experiencing the wonders at each of these magnificent landscapes. Grab your walking stick and hit the trail!